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- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(60)-CUUG内部学员版Examine these facts about a database: ? The database default tablespace to EXAMPLE. ? DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION is TRUE (原来为 FALSE,题目有错) Examine these commands: SQL CREATE USER user...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(59)-CUUG内部学员版In one of your databases: 1.USER1 and USER2 have no system privileges. 2.ROLE1 only has these privileges: ?CREATE SESSION ?CREATE TABLE ?CREATE VIEW Examine these commands: SQL conn / a...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(58)-CUUG内部学员版In one of your databases: 1.USER1 and USER2 have no system privileges. 2.ROLE1 only has these privileges: ?CREATE SESSION ?CREATE TABLE ?CREATE VIEW Examine these commands: SQL conn / as s...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(57)-CUUG内部学员版Examine these facts about a databases: 1.USERS is the database default tablespace. 2.USER1,USER2,and USER3 have the CREATE SESSION privilege 3.They also have UNLIMITED QUOTA on the default tab...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(56)-CUUG内部学员版Examine the facts about a database: 1.USERS is the database default tablespace. 2.USER1,USER2,and USER3 have the CREATE SESSION privilege. 3.They also have UNLIMITED QUOTA on the default table...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(55)-CUUG内部学员版Examine these facts about a database: 1.USER is the database default tablespace. 2.USER1, USER2, and USER3 have the CREATE SESSION privilege. 3.They also have UNLIMITED QUOTA on the default ta...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(54)-CUUG内部学员版USER1 grants SELECT and UPDATE privileges on USER1.EMP to USER2。 SYS executes this command: SQL REVOKE SELECT ON user1.emp FROM user1; What will be the outcome? A)It will succeed and USER2 ...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(53)-CUUG内部学员版USER1 grants SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges on USER1.EMP to USER2. Sys executes this command: SQL REVOKE UPDATE ON user1.emp FROM user1; What will be the outcome? A)It will fail becaus...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(52)-CUUG内部学员版Your DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE IS 8G,Currently,5G of the space is used of which 4G consists of obsolete backups, You execute this command; SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET db_recovery_file_dest_size=2G; W...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(51)-CUUG内部学员版Your database is open in ARCHIVELOG mode. LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST is set to Fast Recovery Area (FRA) and It is 100% full when a log switch takes place. No alternative or optional archive destinations ...[详细]
- Oracle 11g OCP认证052考试题库(50)-CUUG内部学员版052考试题-50(OCP考试题库讨论群:101-5267-481 验证:ocp) Which two are true about the Fast Recovery Area (FRA)? A)It should be larger than the database. B)Only consistent backups can be store...[详细]