- 【2019年8月版本】Oracle OCP认证 071考试原题-30Which two statements are true atout the ORD_ITEMS table and the ORD_SEQ sequence? A) Any user inserting rows into table ORD_ITEMS must have been granted access to sequence ORD_SEQ. B) Colunn OR...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】Oracle OCP认证 071考试原题-29Which two commands execute successfully? A) GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO manager, emp; B) GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON hr.employees TO manager WITH GRANT OPTION: C) GRANT CREATE TABLE, emp TO manager; ...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】Oracle OCP认证 071考试原题-28Which two WHERE conditions demonstrate the correct usage of conversion functions? A) WHERE ordet_date TO_CRAR(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, 6), 'MON DD YYYY') B) WHERE TO_CHAR(order_date, 'MON DD YYYY')...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】Oracle OCP认证 071考试原题-27Which two statements are true about the DUAL table? A) It can display multiple rows and columns. B) It can be accessed only by the SYS user. C) It can be accessed by any user who has the SELEC...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-26Which three actions can you perfom only with system privileges? A) Truncate a table in another schema. B) Access flat files via a database, which are stored in an operating system directory. C...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-25Choose three. Which three statements are true about defining relations between tables in a relatonal database? A) Foreign key columns allow null values. B) Unique key columns allow null values...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-24Choose three. Which three statements are true about GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES? A) A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE cannot have PUBLIC SYNONYM. B) A GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE can have multiple indexes C) A...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-23Which three commands execute successfully on PRODUCTS? A) ALTER TAELE products DROP COLUMN expiry_date; B) CREATE INDEX price_idx on products (price); C) ALTER TABLE products SET UNUSED(expiry...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-22Choose two Which two statements are true about transactions in the Oracle Database serve? A) An uncommitted transaction commits automatically if the user exits SQL*Plus B) Data Manipulation La...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-21choose two In the PROMOTIONS table, the PROMO_BEGTN_DATE columm is of datatype DATE and the default date format is DD-MON-RR. Which two statements are true about expressions using PROMO_BEGIN_D...[详细]
- 【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-20Which two statements are true about the output? A) A row whose UNIT_PRICE column contains the value 1023.99 will be displayed as $1,024. B) A row whose UNIT_PRICE column contains the value 1023...[详细]