【2020年8月】Oracle OCP 071考试新题(-11题)CUUG内部题库
我要咨询【2020年8月】Oracle OCP 071考试新题(-11题)CUUG内部题库
Choose two.
Which two are true about transactions in the Oracle Database?
A) An uncommitted transaction is automatically committed when the user exits SQL*Plus.
B) A DDL statement issued by a session with an uncommitted transaction automatically commits that transaction.
C) DDL statements automatically commit only data dictionary updates caused by executing the DDL.
D) A session can see uncommitted updates made by the same user in a different session.
E) DML statements always start new transactions.
2020年8月份Oracle OCP 071考试新题-11题)CUUG内部题库,钉钉群(35277291)Oracle金牌名师亲自题库解析