【2019年8月版本】Oracle OCP认证 071考试原题-41
我要咨询【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-41-CUUG整理
对于2019年8月份的更新,我们CUUG已经进行了收集整理,并给出初步的答案和讲解,仅供参考,希望对考OCP 071认证的同学有帮助。
choose three
The ORDERS table has a primary key constraint on the ORDER_ID column.
The ORDER_ITEMS table has a foreign key constraint on the ORDER_ID column,referencing the primary key of the ORDERS table.
The constraint is defined with on DELETE CASCADE.
There are rows in the ORDERS table with an ORDER_TOTAL less than 1000.
Which three DELETE statements execute successfully?
A) DELETE FROM orders WHERE order_total<1000;
B) DELETE * FROM orders WHERE order_total<1000;
C) DELETE orders WHERE order_total<1000;
D) DELETE FROM orders;
E) DELETE order_id FROM orders WHERE order_total<1000;
(解析:这个考的是语法题,属于低智商题目,因为定义外键的时候用了 DELETE CASCADE 选项,所以父表的行是可以删除。)