【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-2
我要咨询【2019年8月版本】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-2-CUUG整理
对于2019年8月份的更新,我们CUUG已经进行了收集整理,并给出初步的答案和讲解,仅供参考,希望对考OCP 071认证的同学有帮助。
choose three
Which three are true about the CREATE TABLE command?
A) It can include the CREATE...INDEX statement for creating an index to enforce the primary key constraint.
B) The owner of the table should have space quota available on the tablespace where the table is defined.
C) It implicitly executes a commit.
D) It implicitly rolls back any pending transactions.
E) A user must have the CREATE ANY TABLE privilege to create tables,
F) The owner of the table must have the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege
(解析:建表的要求有两个:1、要有表空间的 quota;2、要有 create table 的权限。ddl语句执行后自动提交。)