我要咨询OCP 12c考试考3科,分别是071、062、063,之前071和062都已经做过解析,这里开始063题库解析,希望对考063的同学有帮助,顺利通过063考试。
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29题、Your database supports an online transaction processing (OLTP) workload in which one of the applications creates a temporary table for a session and performs transactions on it. This consumes a lot of undo tablespace and is affecting undo retention.
Which two actions would you take to solve this problem?
A. Enable temporary undo for the database.
B. Enable undo retention guarantee.
C. Increase the size of the redo log buffer.
D. Enable Automatic Memory Management (AMM).
E. Increase the size of the temporary tablespace.
Answer: A,E
(解析:12c 对临时表进行 dml 操作时为了减少对 undo 表空间的影响,可以启用 temporary undo 功能,这样子就会在临时表空间创建临时 undo 段,以避免对普通 undo 的占用。)