我要咨询OCP 12c考试考3科,分别是071、062、063,之前071和062都已经做过解析,这里开始063题库解析,希望对考063的同学有帮助,顺利通过063考试。
OCP解析群资料分享:1015267481 验证:ocp
28题、Your production database is running in archivelog mode. You use RMAN with a recovery catalog to back up your database to media and the database is uniquely identified in the recovery catalog. You want to create a test database from the production database and allow the production database to remain open during the duplicate process. You restore the database backups to a new host with the same directory structure as the production database and want to use the recovery catalog for future backups after the database is successfully restored to the new host.
How would you achieve this?
A. by using the RMAN switch command to set the new location for the data files
B. by using the RMAN duplicate command with nofilenamecheck to recover the database to the new host
C. by using the RMAN duplicate command with dbid and set new name for tablespace to recover the database to the new host
D. by creating a new database in the new host, and then using the RMAN recover command
Answer: B
( 因为是恢复的相同的路径下,所以 duplicate 的时候要用到 nofilenamecheck 选项,命令如下:
duplicate target database from active database do recover nofilenamecheck;)