我要咨询2018年的时候,OCP 11g考试题库大更新,052 053出现了很多新题,
2019年,11g即将停考的前期,Oracle又出现了一次大变动,12c出现了很多新题,比如062 063题库大更新
OCP解析群资料分享:1015267481 验证:ocp
You conned using SQL Plus to the root container of a multitenant container database (CDB) with SYSDBA privilege.
The CDB has several pluggable databases (PDBs) open in t he read/write mode.
There are ongoing transactions in both t he CDB and PDBs.
What happens alter issuing the SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL statement?
A. The shutdown proceeds immediately.
The shutdown proceeds as soon as all transactions in t he PDBs are either committed or rolleDBAck.
B. The shutdown proceeds as soon as all transactions in t he CDB are either committed or rolleDBAck.
C. The shutdown proceeds as soon as all transactions in both t he CDB and PDBs are either committed or rolled back.
D. The statement results in an error because there are open PDBs.
Correct Answer: B
(解析:一旦 CDB 和 PDB 中的事务提交和回滚,数据库就会关闭,这道题考的是命令的生效范围。)